In the midst of these musings, one day it occurred to me that we are living, traveling examples of a lifestyle that has become obsolete. Perhaps we could consider ourselves "Roving Ambassadors of the ‘Good ‘Ole Days’."
The term "Good ‘Ole Days" means different things to different people, of course. However, it always includes enjoyment, a sense of satisfaction, peace and meaning in life lived at an unhurried pace.
We, too, in our working years, had spent many years in the stress-filled, over-committed, clock-controlled life of the modern era. We decided to retire, not only from our work, but also from the frantic pace in which our lives had been consumed. Retirement was the time to break free from the tyranny of time and the slavery to stuff.
Our migratory life in an RV helps us deal with both. We travel where we want to go, at a pace that is enjoyable, and stop at any points along the way that look interesting. We take time to:
- admire the varieties of types and colors of wildflowers along our way
- enjoy the songs of the birds that entertain us and try to learn the names of the singers
- ponder the colors of the sunset (sunrises are beautiful, too, but they come too early!)
- quietly observe a grazing mother deer and her fawn
- reflect upon the sights and sounds of the sea coast
- patiently watch the nest of a bald eagle family as two fledglings peeked over the edge (no doubt watching for their parents to bring them lunch!)
- stand amazed at the power that created butterflies and boulders, mountains and Meadow Larks, the stars of the night sky and the cells of the human body
- say "No" to responsibilities we don’t want to take on
- walk together once or twice every day, giving thanks that we still can!
- most of our dress clothes, but especially girdles, neckties and unnecessary underwear
- buying "two for the price of one" bargains
- fancy hair styles and make-up
- many of our books in favor of lighter weight Kindle readers
- listening or watching TV commercials for things or food
- unnecessary furniture and breakable little "pretty things" to sit around and gather dust
- a second set of dishes and silverware for "company"
- saving old magazines, papers, boxes, or out-grown clothing
- worrying about "what the neighbors (or anybody else!) will think."